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Here’s how to get involved in World Kindness Day this year

On Tuesday 13th November there’s one of the more unusual celebration days, World Kindness Day. Although it’s not overtly linked to the healthcare industry we think it’s important to celebrate the great acts of kindness that we see every day from healthcare professionals from all walks of life.

It’s for this very reason that we wholeheartedly endorse a day that promotes even more kind acts. After all, can the world ever have too much kindness? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Tell someone you love they’re in your thoughts

A simple text message or phone call can go a long way. Letting a loved one know that they’re in your thoughts. It doesn’t have to take a long time, but a small effort can go a long way.

Give someone a compliment

Whether it’s a stranger, a friend, a co-worker or a family member, offer someone a nice compliment to brighten up their day. You’d be surprised how much a nice comment on someone’s hair or personality can really make them smile for hours.

Treat someone to a small gift

A cup of coffee or a chocolate bar is the perfect example of this. It’s small and inexpensive, but outside of the ordinary. In many coffee places, you can even simple “pay one on” for a stranger that day, you might not see the joy, but you’ll know you made someone’s day that little bit brighter.  

Go out of your way to do something for someone

Every day it’s easy to recognise people that are struggling, whether it’s carrying shopping, helping someone at work or helping an older person cross a road. These small acts of kindness all add up to a bigger picture.

However you choose to celebrate World Kindness Day, we encourage you to find some small (or large) way to contribute! Let’s make sure there are a few extra smiles for this particular day of the year.  

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