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Random acts of kindness to surprise ostomates

Small gestures can really brighten a person’s day. In fact, research shows that helping others can be good for our mental health. It reduces stress, improves our emotional wellbeing and even benefits our physical health. In short, doing good does you good too!

It’s essential to look out for each other in and around our communities, especially for those you know who have had recent surgery and may need a bit of extra help and support. For anyone who has had stoma surgery, a simple act of kindness can mean so much. The thought that someone cares and wants to help, really gives us a warm feeling and helps the recovery process.

Having any type of surgery can be debilitating for all of us. Tiredness, exhaustion, and fatigue are common symptoms after surgery, regardless of whether it was a minor or major procedure. This is because your body expends a lot of energy in trying to heal. Having stoma surgery can also be emotionally exhausting due to the changes in body image.

Remember… a kind gesture to someone doesn’t cost a lot of time or money. It’s the small things in life that can make a big difference.

So, how can you show kindness to someone who has is recovering from stoma surgery? It’s hard to know exactly what they have gone through but here are a few random acts of kindness to get you started:

  • Spend some time talking about their journey if they are feeling well enough
  • A gentle smile directed at person you care for can speak volumes
  • Spend the time to ask how they are feeling?
  • Offer a lift to any hospital appointments as they may not be able to drive for a while
  • Do some baking or cooking for them, this can really help in the early days of recovery at home when they are feeling very tired
  • Offer to babysit or look after any young children
  • Offer to take any pets such as dogs, for a walk for them
  • A simple text message or phone call can go a long way. Letting a loved one know that they’re in your thoughts
  • Offer to do any lifting of light or heavy objects
  • Flowers are a cheerful gesture and always bring a smile to the recipient’s face

Kindness doesn’t stop at those who are recovering from surgery, don’t forget those people living with a stoma, who may need gentle encouragement on a longer term. Brighten their day with kind and encouraging words, such as:

  • You’re amazing!
  • I’m here to listen…
  • I love you just the way you are
  • You’ve adapted so well…
  • I want to know more because I care
  • You are allowed to be sad about your stoma
  • Remember you are strong and resilient

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